Transforming Your Waste Oil into energy Fuel ingredients

Our modern way of life depends on motor vehicles. Crude oil as a fuel is a limited resource. Therefore, it is crucial to use alternative methods for fuel production, a fact that will become more and more important in the future. On the other hand, a huge volume of used cooking fats and oil are produced. On the one hand, animal fats and other waste products mean a whole lot of waste – but at the same time they also offer a huge potential. Because this is the waste from which “green fuel” or “green energy” can be produced.
Mawarid Makkah Trading Company LLC specializes in helping restaurants and supermarkets streamline operations by providing storage and recycling of used cooking oil and inedible meat co-products.
Collection and distribution of waste oil & fats for recycling into Biofuel to keep the ecosystem clean is our mission.
We Mawarid Makkah Trading Company LLC deals with the collection of Used Cooking fats & Oils in the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and one of the well known firm in Kingdom.
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